St. Paul Preschool

St Paul Lutheran Preschool is a ministry established by the Lutheran Church in 2005 to serve families with children 3 to 5 years of age. The Mission is to “love the children, teach God’s wonders, and discover the love of learning. Overall, the program provides developmentally appropriate activities that promote growth physically, emotionally, socially, academically, and spiritually. Students experience creative and kindergarten readiness skills that will benefit a more successful transition into their school years ahead. Over the past 17 years, the Preschool has had anywhere from 40 to 70 students enrolled each school term. Besides the typical Preschool session, the Preschool has incorporated an Extended Preschool to help working families have a safe, nurturing Christian environment for their child to remain until parents return from their employment.

St. Paul Preschool recognized Roger Anderson
Presented by Jordan Campbell