
TeamMates is a school based mentoring program. Started back in 1991 by Tom & Nancy Osborne in Lincoln, NE, the goal is to inspire youth to reach their full potential. To date, more than 170 school districts across 5 states are involved with the TeamMates organization. Adults from the school communities are mentors to students, called mentees. They meet once per week on school property for 30 minutes typically during the student’s lunch or study hall. Together they may play a game, do a craft, or just hang out and visit. TeamMates would like a three-year commitment between the mentor/mentee, but the hope is each mentor/mentee will stay connected through the mentee’s high school graduation. The TeamMates slogan is ‘Be There’ and the mentor volunteers are promise keepers. You don’t have to be great at anything, you just have to show up and spend time with a student. If you or someone you know would be interested in becoming a mentor, please reach out to the school.


TeamMates recognized Jennifer Tiarks
Presented by Jordan Campbell